Understanding CBP’s Notice of Refusal of Admission/Parole into the United States

Understanding CBP’s Notice of Refusal of Admission/Parole into the United States

Notice of Refusal of Admission/Parole


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issues a Notice of Refusal of Admission/Parole when a traveler is denied entry into the United States at a port of entry. This formal document serves to inform individuals that they do not meet the eligibility requirements for admission, or they have violated U.S. immigration laws or regulations. In this article, we will explore the implications of receiving such a notice and provide guidance on how to navigate this situation.

Understanding the Notice

Upon receiving a Notice of Refusal of Admission/Parole, it is crucial to carefully review the document to understand the specific reason for the denial and any instructions provided. This notice typically includes details about the grounds for refusal and may cite relevant sections of U.S. immigration law.

Effects of the Notice

The immediate effect of receiving this notice is that the individual is denied entry into the United States at that time. The reasons for denial can vary and may include issues related to visa or travel document validity, previous immigration violations, criminal history, health concerns, or other factors that render the individual inadmissible under U.S. immigration law.

Steps to Take

  1. Consult with an Immigration Attorney: It is highly advisable for individuals who receive a Notice of Refusal to seek legal counsel from an immigration attorney experienced in U.S. immigration law. An attorney can provide guidance, assess the situation, and determine the best course of action.
  2. Appeal or Reapply: Depending on the reason for denial, there may be options to appeal the decision or take corrective action to address the issue. An attorney can advise on whether an appeal is possible or whether it would be more appropriate to reapply for admission in the future.
  3. Address the Underlying Issue: If the denial is due to a specific issue (e.g., a criminal record, visa problems, etc.), individuals should work on resolving that issue before attempting to enter the U.S. again.
  4. Maintain Documentation: Keeping copies of all relevant documents, including the Notice of Refusal, any correspondence with CBP, and any documents related to the underlying issue, is essential, as these may be needed for legal purposes.
  5. Follow Legal Procedures: Individuals should follow any legal procedures, timelines, or requirements outlined in the notice and as advised by their attorney.

Visa Validity

If an individual’s visa was not cancelled and remains valid, they may still use that visa for future attempts to enter the United States. However, it’s crucial to understand that having a valid visa does not guarantee entry; CBP officers at the port of entry have discretion in admitting travelers.


Receiving a Notice of Refusal of Admission/Parole can be a complex and stressful situation. However, with the assistance of an experienced immigration attorney and a proactive approach to addressing any underlying issues, individuals can better understand their options and work toward resolving the issue to potentially gain admission to the United States in the future, if eligible. It is essential to be prepared for further questioning and to be honest during the inspection process when attempting reentry to the U.S.

For personalized guidance and legal support in such situations, individuals should consult with an immigration attorney who can provide tailored advice and representation.

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